The Gambia & Senegal

The Gambia & Senegal

per person

Seek out adventure with a tour through The Gambia and Senegal. Both countries offer an abundance of beauty and activities, ready to be enjoyed.

Head out with your 4×4 or campervan and explore these two amazing countries. The Gambia offers amazing unspoiled beaches, welcoming local street markets and of course its grand river, which plays a central role in the country. Take an excursion and if you’re lucky you might see some hippos or crocodiles! The best time for travelling to The Gambia is between November and May, when its dry season allows you to enjoy pleasant temperatures and the best beach weather. After visiting the coast this tour will guide you east towards the other side of the country, visiting sights such as Kiang West National Park, Elephant Island and villages such as Janjanbureh and Diabugu. After exploring The Gambia you’ll be guided into Senegal, where sights such as Ziguinchor and Dakar await! Senegal also offers plenty of beautiful nature, such as Niokolo-Koba National Park, the home of several endangered species.


Want to know more? Use the enquiry form on the right for more details and a daily itinerary.

Route of travel tour

Below you'll find an example of a travel tour through Spain and Portugul that we've organized in the past. Please note that this is just an example and can easily be adjusted to fit our customer's wishes. Please reach out for more information.

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