Exploring the Portuguese countryside

We’ve been travelling for about 6 weeks now! We started off moving down from The Netherlands through Belgium and France to Spain and started really exporing the Spanish east coast and the south. After that we crossed the border into Portugal and we’re really enjoying it all.

In the past few weeks we’ve been exploring Portugal, driving from the south all the way to the north of the country. We visited Lisbon a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it! The city is full of friendly people and great food, definitely recommend it. After Lisbon we decided to trade in museums and monuments for the Portuguese countryside, following little winding roads north up to some of its natural features. And so we finally ended up in Peneda-Gerês National Park, excited to see not only some beautiful vistas but we also actually spotted some of the wolves that live here!

This afternoon we encountered one of the fun challenges of driving a big truck  in the countryside: unstable-looking bridges. Ever found yourself in a situation where you’re wondering whether or not the bridge will actually hold the truck you’re driving? Believe it or not, this wasn’t the first time we found ourselves in this situation. At the start of the road there was actually a little sign that said ‘Trucks prohibited”, but in situations like that we usually say to ourselves that we’re a campervan, not a truck, so we’re perfectly fine! I know what you’re thinking: wait, what? But sometimes you kind of take the chance as it is the only way to get to your destination. In the case of the bridge, we had a look and decided to just cross it very quickly, not looking down (and trying not to close our eyes while driving over it out of fear!).

Our next stop will be crossing the border into Spain, where among other things Santiago de Compostela awaits! Can’t wait to see its beautiful cathedral and the countless pilgrims that end their journey here from several different trails that lead here.

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